I feel inspired to share my family’s journey of eating sugar free. Weekly Recipe Ideas.
I feel inspired to share my family’s journey of eating sugar free
This is a page where i will share recipes and ideas for families wanting to limit sugar.
Mattiscombe Beach, South Devon. Our Home.
April 28th 2024.
For many months, probably years i have struggled with the control that sugar has on me. Many may see that I eat well and my children don’t have much sugar. Its true compared to most kids they don’t, i’m aware that it is still too much especially compared to when i was young and it doesn’t make it ok.
My children are 13, 11 and 10. They all have had fillings and have holes. After my sons baby tooth falling out in the Easter holidays and seeing a hole in it and then a hole in his existing tooth which was next to it i decided we had to do something.
I won’t lie I am bribing my children with money to give up sugar for a year. After the first month they will get £50/each and by the end of the year this will total to £200.
We started a week ago and its been hard. For me because i’m really having to come up with different snack ideas which i realised relied a lot on sugar including fruit. I am also limiting carbs, so pasta, rice and bread just once a week. For the first month no fruit (except as a treat at the weekend).
One daughter woke up the second morning, i found her sat at the table crying saying she was scared and felt shaky and that she needed sugar, this is scary what sugar is doing to our bodies, especially our children.
I gave up sugar nearly 4 weeks ago now as well as wheat and carbs (although i’m having very limited at times, such as potato in soup). Almost overnight my sugar cravings went and i don’t have any bloat in my tummy which i realise now i had more than i realised.
Each week i’m going to share recipes and ideas.
Our Sunday Breakfast - Red Rice pudding with Homemade creamy Yoghurt & Toasted FLAKED ALMONDS.
Verdict - this was so yummy, i almost appreciate it more without the addition of sugar. The coconut milk brings a natural sweetness.
My daughters comments to toasted flaked almonds ” mummy they taste sweet”.
I find it exciting to discover the natural sweetness of foods that are usually masked by the addition of sugar.
Red Rice Pudding, Yoghurt, and Toasted Flaked Almonds. Because its the weekend we had some rhubarb which had been roasted in the oven with orange peel and orange juice.
Red Rice Pudding (feeds 6)
200g Red Rice (soaked overnight in filtered water, drained and rinsed).
1 ltr coconut milk
2 Knobs Butter
Good sprinkle cinnamon
Oven 160c
Put the rice into an oven proof dish, add the butter and cinnamon. Pour the coconut milk over the rice and place in the oven.
Bake for 90 minutes and serve.
Homemade yoghurt made with raw milk.
1 ltr Whole Milk (ideally raw)
1 tbsp live yoghurt
Warm the milk to 90c, whisking to stop a skin forming.
Whisking at times cool the milk to 42/3c.
Add the live yoghurt and mix well. Pour into a container you want the yoghurt stored in.
I use my dehydrator and set at 42c. I sit my yoghurt in my dehydrator for 8 hours then transfer to the fridge overnight. I have a layer of cream set on my yoghurt as the raw milk is so creamy, its delicious!